Nov 07, 2022 en la COP 27, una organización de defensa del medio ambiente con sede en América del Norte, participará en varios eventos de la COP 27 relacionados con sus campañas para proteger la selva amazónica, el papel de los gobiernos en la formulación de políticas sobre el cambio climático, la biomasa como una solución climática falsa y la moda de la sostenibilidad en el sector.

Los eventos incluyen conferencias de prensa y paneles con líderes indígenas, funcionarios electos y expertos en finanzas de petróleo y gas. La COP 27 se llevará a cabo del 6 al 18 de noviembre de 2022 en Sharm El-Sheikh, Egipto.

Press Conference: “Amazonia Against the Clock”: Where and How to Protect 80% by 2025

  • When: November 7 2022, 17:30-18:00 Egypt Time
  • Where: Press Conference Room (Luxor), Area B
  • Who: Alicia Bryan Ludeña (COICA), Alicia Guzmán (, Raul Estrada (Avaaz)

Press Conference: Scene setting for discussing fossil fuels at COP27

  • When: Tuesday Nov 8th @ 17:30-18:00 Egypt Time
  • Where: Press Conference Room 2 (Luxor)
  • Who: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Event: International cooperation for a fair fossil fuel phase-out 

  • When: Tuesday 8th @ 18.00 – 19.00 Egypt Time
  • Where: ILO Just Transition Pavilion
  • Who: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Event: Youth Fight Back: Embracing the diverse ways youth take action against fossil fuels

  • When: Thursday, Nov 10th – Time TBD
  • Where: Youth Pavillion
  • Who: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Social Event: : Fossil Fuel Phase Out Fest

  • When: Thursday 10th November, 8 pm – 11 pm, and then the venue turns into a nightclub for those who want to continue on.
  • What: A social event on the sidelines of COP27 for people campaigning for a global just transition away from fossil fuels.
  • Where: Climate Justice Hub at Sanafir Hotel. Food and drinks will be provided.
  • Who: Co-hosted with GGON and Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty. Link to RSVP here. 

Panel: A Treaty for FPIC: Indigenous People call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

  • When: Friday, Nov 11th, 11.30am-12.25pm Egypt time
  • What: Indigenous leaders and community members call on global leaders to enact a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Where: Climate Justice Pavillion
  • Who: Hosted by Indigenous Environmental Network, Speakers include: Xiye Bastida, Eriel Tchekwie Deranger (ICA), Tom Goldtooth (IEN), Gregorio Mirabal (COICA), Harjeet Singh (Fossil Fuel Treaty)

Event: Treaty Talanoa

  • When: Friday, November 11th @ 16:00-16:55 Egypt Time
  • What: (brief description)
  • Where: Moana Blue, Pacific Pavilion
  • Who: Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty

The following members of the team will also be on the ground and will be available for comment across our campaign issue areas.

  • Gary Cook, Global Climate Campaigns Director,
    • Available to speak on: Net Zero Corporate StandardsIT industry– including coal-powered supply chains, global shipping emissions associated with E-commerce
  • Tzeporah Berman, Chair of Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and International Program Director,
    • Available to speak on: global implications for oil and gas production, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, Canada oil and gas policy, and Canada’s forests
  • Maya Menezes,  Senior Climate Justice Campaigner,
    • Available to speak on: biomass as a false climate solution and climate justice, climate finance (backup spokes for onsite media requests) 
  • Rachel Kitchin, Corporate Climate Campaigner,
    • Available to speak on: fashion industry, including coal-powered supply chains, fracked fabrics, and clean energy advocacy

The following staff will also be available to speak on time zones in the Americas:

  • Richard Brooks, Climate Finance Director,
    • Available to speak (on ET): climate finance, including role of banks and pensions
  • Alicia Guzman, Amazon Programs Director,
    • Available to speak (on Ecuador time): oil and gas policy relating to the Amazon, including California’s oil consumption and its connection to Amazon rainforest destruction
  • Sven Biggs, Oil and Gas Program Director,
    • Available to speak (on PT): Canada oil and gas policy
  • Tegan Hansen, Forests Campaigner,
    • Available to speak (on PT): old growth forest conservation in Canada
  • Kendra UlrichShipping Campaigns Director,
    • Available to speak (on PT): US & Canada cruise and ocean shipping industry, including air pollution in port communities, ocean pollution and acidification from scrubbers, and zero-emissions vessels


Media contacts: 

Solaye Snider, Senior Digital Campaigner, +1 604 757 7213, (in Sharm El-Sheikh) 

Ziona Eyob, Canada Media Director,, +1 604 757 7279, (formerly ForestEthics) is an international nonprofit environmental organization with offices in Canada and the United States that is known for its groundbreaking research and successful corporate and citizen engagement campaigns to create new policies and industry standards in protecting forests, advocating the rights of Indigenous peoples, and protecting the climate. Visit us at and follow us on Twitter @standearth.